Sunday, June 30, 2013

A Genealogy of the Eads Family

Today I wanted to share with you something that I found that I feel will be of interest to others who are researching the EADS family. I stumbled upon an Ebook created by one Donald LeRoy Eads M.D.

You can find his book HERE. The image to the left is of one Richard EEDES and was obtained under the Wikipedia Commons License for Public Domain.

I have yet to read through all of Dr. Eads book but I do look forward to getting into it as time permits. It appears he has put a lot of thought and hard work into it, which is something I can appreciate. I did take a quick peek at it and noticed some surnames that are coming up as cousin matches in my DNA results. I am hoping that this material will help me to narrow down those folks since I am most sure they come from my Paternal side of the family. Check out his book and be sure to thank him for his hard work and for sharing with us!

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