Monday, November 10, 2014

Back to the Drawing Board again!

(c) Icon Shock Used with Permission
This evening I am totally and completely, utterly frustrated with this DNA business. For two years now I have been searching for clues as to my husband's lineage. It appeared as though he might have had a Non Paternal Event in his Y line. I am just so frustrated at this point and just have to say that I am not even sure he does at this point. Ive spoken to many people over the course of these two years and some say yes that the 36/37 marker match to a man of a different surname is indicative of a NPE, others say not so. So, who do I believe? I know very little about this Y-DNA business myself. Even the autosomal DNA seems complicated at times itself, I do seem to do a much better job with finding matches using it.
From this point forward I am just going to focus on his Paternal Paper Trail ancestors, his autosomal DNA matches several of the female lines there. I refuse to be so consumed with the possibility of this NPE that it overshadows everything else. I am just going to take a break from that line of thinking for a while. If something significant turns up, great, if not, then that is ok as well. I will be focusing on other lines from this point forward which include the Tinker family from Washington County, Tennessee area. I am just tired of running circles and getting nowhere. I will update again soon.

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