Friday, July 5, 2013

Successful DNA Confirmation

Today's post is going to be about some recent successes we have had in our quest to finding my husband`s roots. As you are aware,( if you have been following my blog) my husband was unsure as to who his paternal grandparents were. We can now say with  great certainty that due to his DNA results we have confirmed that the woman he called Grandma was indeed his biological grandmother.

You should have seen the look on his face when we finally had that confirmation. It was like this huge weight had been lifted from his shoulders. And now, for the rest of the story.

That was just the first of many successful endeavors that we hope to encounter in the coming weeks. Our search into his Grandmothers roots has turned up some promising leads as to who his grandfather may have been. We are still a ways out from finding anything definitive as yet but there are some common ancestors that are beginning to now surface. I have to say that had he not tested at 23andMe we might never have found this connection.

I have added some additional information to his page here, that lists his Paternal Grandmother's family line. I do have a few more names that I will be adding to that page in the coming days as time permits. We can now cross off our earlier theories regarding his Grandmother and move on to actually ruling out the woman he knew to be his Paternal Great Grandmother. If we are able to rule her out then we know which generation to specifically look for his Paternal Male ancestor. It is going to be a step by step elimination process as we work through this family line. I will update as I know more.

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