Thursday, January 9, 2014

52 Weeks Ancestor Challenge

Today I have accepted the 52 Weeks Ancestors in 52 Weeks Challenge over at No Story too Small blog. The purpose of this challenge is to get others to blog about one ancestor per week for 52 weeks. I think this is an interesting thing to do. I am always looking for new content for my blog that might be of interest to my readers so I readily have accepted this challenge. Please look for my first two posts later this evening, as I am currently behind but will get them caught up before next weeks due date. In order to keep a recap of each weeks post I have decided to implement a page just for those posts that way you can read to your hearts content and can readily find the newest posts each week as they appear. I hope you will join in and read my posts and perhaps you can find a common link to me somewhere along the route! Stay tuned for my first post!

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