Monday, July 1, 2013

Mountain Meadows Massacre-Part 2

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No doubt many of you may have seen the 2007 film by Christopher Cain called September Dawn.

The movie is suppose to be about the events that took place during the Mountain Meadows Massacre. My husband and I have seen this film many times. There is some controversy as to how accurate it is when it depicts the story of our ancestors.

For the most part the story is a fictional love story. Like many set in that era. I enjoyed the film overall. I cannot attest to its accuracy regarding the events that took place that fateful day in Mountain Meadows Utah.

If you have not seen the film, I would highly recommend you watching it and I am going to include the trailer for it within this post.

I felt that this movie helped to bring the story to life in my eyes. I am not here to judge anyone and I am not certain what role the Mormon Church played within this whole tragedy; however, I will say this. It was something that should never have happened and if it did occur in the name of God, I find that very hard to accept. The God I know and love would never have allowed such a senseless act to have occurred at all. Regardless of how one tries to package it, in the end it was a the taking of several human lives that did not have to occur.

You will need to watch the film for yourself and form your own opinon as to what role anyone played in it. The movie is currently available for rental on Amazon for $2.99 or you may purchase for $9.99 they also have it on DVD if you are interested.

Note: I am not getting paid or otherwise remunerated for recommending this movie or giving my review for it. Amazon does not pay me anything and my linking to it is purely of an informational nature, it is not an affiliate link and I will receive nothing for having recommended you purchase it. 

You may find Part 1 of my post on the Mountain Meadows Massacre HERE

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